McCoys Celebrated Their Golden Wedding
This is a newsclipping from the Glasgow Republican, (circa Aug/Sep, 1943) noting the 50th Anniversary dinner for George C. and Martha Thomas ("Mattie") [Ford] McCoy. George & Mattie are my great-great-grandparents (their son, Alonzo ("Lonnie")-> his son, Wendell-> my mom, Rickie-> Me).
You will find the back of the newsclipping on my
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The text of the newsclipping is also included:
McCoys Celebrated Their Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mr.s George McCoy cel-
ebrated their Golden Wedding Anni-
versary Sunday, August 22nd, at their
home near Roseville, with a family
dinner. On August 22, 1893, Miss
Martha Thomas (Mattie) Ford was
married to Mr. George McCoy in a
double wedding ceremony perform-
ed by Bro. Sowers, a Cumberland
Presbyterian minister. The cere-
mony took place at the home of the
late Mr. Joe Pedigo near Lick
Branch. The other parties in the
double wedding were Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Broady, now deceased.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Willie McCoy, Cave City, Mr. and
Mrs. Lonnie McCoy and son, Wen-
dell from Slick Rock, Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Ford, Cave City, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Nuckols and son, Seth
Ford, Glasgow, Mr. and Mrs. Byrd
Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ly-
ons, Mrs. Maude Depp and son
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Amos McCoy
and family, Smiths Grove, Mrs. Eliz-
abeth Goad and children, Paul How-
ard Ford, Washington, D. C.
The Republican joins the many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. McCoy, their
two sons and two grandchildren, on
their fifty years of married life, and
wish for them many more, blest with
health and happiness.
"Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McCoy" were George & Mattie's son, Alonzo, and his wife, Mae [Oldham] McCoy.
"Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ford" are unknown to me at this time
"Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nuckols" are Benjamin Nelson Nuckols and wife, Mary Clyde [Ford] Nuckols. I do not know how their son has the name Ford, unless Mary is the widow or former wife of another Ford, or she had Seth out of wedlock (not very likely at the time).
"Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Pickett" are unkown to me.
"Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lyons" are Claude Lyons and Mattie's half-sister, Annie
"Mrs. Maude Depp" was the wife or widow of Clem Leslie Depp
"Mr. and Mrs. Amos McCoy", "Mrs. Elizabeth Goad" and "Paul Howard Ford" are all unknown to me.
Most of this information came from cross referencing Mattie's obituary from a later newsclipping, an family tree file including Nelson Nuckols and the KY Vital Records Index from University of Kentucky.
If you have any information, or want to ask me about something on this page, let me know.