The Potluck Page!

This is the page where all things unknown come to rest. I include on this page those things on the back of newsclippings (which may not concern me, but might interest you...), pictures of persons unknown, and anything else that doesn't quite fit onto it's own page. Because of the nature of this page, I probably won't be able to answer any questions, but you can give it a shot.

Back of 50th Anniversary announcement - 218KB GIF
This is the back of the newsclipping from the Glasgow Republican (circa Aug/Sep, 1943) which held the 50th Anniversary announcement for George & Mattie [Ford] McCoy. The image is 218KB, and measures 433 pixels wide by 437 pixels high. It was scanned at 100 dpi. Click on the image to view it full size, or right-click on the image to save it to your computer (also full size).
...guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Ba-
con were Mr. and Mrs. Houston
Cook and daughter, Hazel.--Brown
  A large number attended the an-
nual Branstetter Park home-coming
  A record small crowd attended
County Court here Monday, due to
tobacco cutting.  Several cases were
tried and fines of $20.00 each for dis-
turbing public worship and shooting
within town limits and $10.00 for
public drunkenness.
  Miss Emily Wade, who has been
serving as Home Supervisor under
the FSA program in this county for
about 18 months, has been trans-
ferred to Winchester, Clark county.
She will not have a successor for
the present.  Miss Wade has made
many friends here who will regret
to see her leave.
           *  *  *  *
       Marriage License
  Luther Herman Garret, 19, and
Ruby Marie Chaplin, 18, Glasgow.
  Titus Jessee, 18, Edmonton, and
Eula Rae Fudge, 18, Toria.
           *  *  *  *
  Martin Heads Campaign Group
  Metcalfe County Republicans or-
ganized a campaign committee Mon-
day for the coming November elec-
tion, wih Judge Joseph Martin as
Chairman, H. C. Vanzant, Secretary,
and Mrs. M. L. South, Chairwoman.

...but located them.--Ray Polson sold 195 1/2 lb of fryers at Lawson Wood's store Saturday.--Miss Flona Hagan returned to Scottsville Sunday after visiting a few days on route 1.-- Mr. James Burnley has been poorly with tonsilities but is able to be out again.--Mrs. Layton Harrison called on Mrs. Lucy Cunningham Friday afternoon.--Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Shockley and daughters, Bertie L[?] and Etta B., have returned to Ken- tucky after visiting several days in Illinois.--Billie Wood is congratu- lated on his patriotism raising chick- ens and investing in defense bonds. --Mr. and Mrs. Vestol Hall and daughter, Barbara visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Simmons Saturday night. --Mr. Lewis Simmons and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Vade Wood Sunday. --Mr .and Mrs. Paul Borders and son of Floriday and Sgt. Thomas [?] Carver of Austin called on Mr. and Mrs. Wert Dossey one day last week. --Penny Post Ca[?] [ad for war bonds]
  Mr. and Mrs. James Shirley, of
Campbellsville, Mr. and Mrs. Ce-
phus Garmon and girls spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Sexton and Wayne.
  Mrs. Bessie Vanzant spent the
week-end with Mrs. Addie Leftwich
and family.  Mr. and Mrs. [Rondal?]
Leftwich and family of Glasgow
were Sunday visitors.
  Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton
South of Center a daughter Jan 6.
  Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sexton spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nim Jes-
see of Campbellsville.
  Pvt. Wendell Fields of Ft. Knox
spent the week-end with his
wife and mother, Mrs. Virgie Fields.
Mrs. Wendell Fields also spent
Monday night with Mrs. Virgie
  Dr. Herman Judd and Mr. Hol-
land Judd went fishing at Lake
Cumberland Sunday and caught 4[?]
prize fish.  If you recall the story
I told you a few weeks ago of their
hunting experiences, you will agree
that they had better stick to their
rods and reels.
Back of Mattie McCoy's Obituary - 107KB GIF)
This is the back of the newsclipping for Mattie McCoy's obituary. The image is 107KB and measures 198 pixels wide by 470 pixels high. It was scanned at 100 dpi. The image is displayed at full size. You may click it to view it alone, or right-click it to save it to your computer.

If you have any information, or want to ask me about something on this page, let me know.